Romans 8:38-39 – For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

As we look at this verse, how often do we really examine what this verse means? There are amazing and powerful truths that are contained within this verse.

As human beings, we are geared for love. When God created us, he created us with a fundamental need for love. Even psychology understands this basic truth. It has been shown that babies who are deprived of loving contact within the first six months of life, will often be psychologically damaged.

Love is important. Because we inherently know that love is important, we seek it out. Sometimes, we seek love in negative ways that cause pain and hurt. Love is a free gift that is already given to us by out Creator. Love, in verse 39, is translated from the Greek word, agape. Agape love is unconditional love. Think about that definition. God’s love that has no requirements. There is no limitation placed upon the love that God freely shares. It is very rare that we see that kind of love in the world, but our Creator bestows that love on us always.

Take time to think about all the ways that God has shown you his agape love to you, and remember the truth we read in Romans. There is nothing in this world or in the next world, that can separate or break that connection of love. Even in our low times, our Creator is still pouring out his love for us. If you are struggling to see and feel that love. Take time to pray that God would reveal His immeasurable, unconditional love to you.

Drew Drage, Pastor